Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cabin Adventures: part 4- Family, Food, Fishing and ... Dogs?

My Gramma's husband, Ron, and my uncle Dave are both pretty handy in the kitchen. And when I say handy, I mean awesome. Since both of them were there, we never had a shortage of good food.

Did I mention that there was corn? I mean, lots and lots of corn? My mom was making us pledge ears because we had so much.

Ron's chicken tacos

My Uncle loves to fish. And he'll take anyone who wants to go. And he's patient, which is essential when anyone from my family wants to go fishing.

Casey is my mom's very loyal, semi-psychotic dog who made major strides during this vacation. She made her very first dog friend, Hannah.

Hannah was one of the neighbor's dogs who spent most of the time around our cabin. It might have had something to do with the fact we fed her sandwiches and eggs...

When we first got to the cabin, my aunt and Rach had gone to the shelter and came back with two dogs. We washed them in the lake, took them for a boat ride, went on a walk, and fed them before taking them back to shelter. And Rachel fell in love with this puppy and by the end of the week, decided to adopt her. And after spending 2 days going over hundreds of names, Rach decided on Tara.

And despite all the drama that comes with my family, I love them. And it's nice to be near them.


Anonymous said...

Way to capture the rainbow!!! Great picture! Looks like you guys had lots of fun!

Amanda said...

Wow-you guys really know how to have a great time. I love looking at pictures of your mini-vacation!

bethany said...

Aww...welcome to the family, puppy Tara!

That foggy water picture is quite mysterious. I'd half expect to find the Loch Ness in there... :)

And, thanks for the well-wishes about school. I definitely wish we were there together. I'd feel a little less lonely that way!

Andrea Jean said...

Thanks Eleise and Amanda! This particular cabin trip was loads of fun and I enjoyed being able to share it.

And Bethany, I'm sure you'll make lots of new friends during class and late night study sessions!

bethany said...

Come back to Blogland...I miss you...


Hope you are doing well!