Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It's not you, it's Mii...

For Christmas TJ and I got a Wii. It's pretty much amazing. I don't know who thinks of all this crap, but kudos to them!

I've gone through major gaming stages in my life (Not something I am proud of)
For Christmas one year when I was like 7, my parents got us a nintendo. I rocked little mermaid and I could play forever. Then in 6th grade my mom and I found a sega genesis at a garage sale. I played countless hours of toy story and sonic and knuckles - beating both games - and laughed like crazy playing toe jam and earl with my cousin Christine. One summer while I was in high school, TJ let me keep his N64 at my mom's house when he went back to Washington. I wasted all of his tetris scores, and my summer.

Then I stopped for a while. Later, I discovered the magic of internet games early in college when all of a sudden I had a lap top and free internet in my dorm room, but kicked that habit pretty quickly.

I had decided to swear off video games. I had a history of wasting time and brain cells and this addictive nature of mine didn't help.

But I could not refuse this Christmas gift. And maybe it's because I'm growing up, or my priorities have changed, but now I am able to enjoy it for a little while, put down my remote, and continue my day. It feels good.

1 comment:

bethany said...

Hehehe...Mii. Great stuff :)

I used to think you were the raddest because you rocked at video games. You were pretty skilled... :)