Wednesday, April 8, 2009

23 today

My friend Megan turns 23 today!
In honor of her birthday, here are 23 things I've found most memorable about our friendship. 

1. My first friend
2. Since I could remember we were always competing - around the world, pig, who could hold their breath the longest under water, who was taller - and Megan almost always beat me, but she never made me feel bad about it. 
3. We watched David the Gnome after school in kindergarten and ate her mom's canned peaches and pickles 
4. We started t-ball the same year. She was a little penguin and I was a lucky duck
5. We were tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum for halloween
6. We also were golfers for halloween
7. Can dance like no other- especially to The Lion Sleeps Tonight. (I do have that on tape by the way)
8. We took swimming lessons together and were the only two in level 6 and our teacher passed us both, even though I'm sure I shouldn't have... 
9. We played softball together on the Gophers, the Twisters, Hallie Stars, the Flash, and at Immanuel Lutheran, but played against each other in college
10. The best softball catcher I ever had 
11. She totally hit a home run off me in college
12. We were tour choir partners 2 years
13. We did a Bible Fair project in 8th grade about Hell 
14. We've had numerous crazy sleepovers with our friend, Bethany.
15. We've been friends for 23 years
16. We both stopped playing softball the same year, but wished we could have played together again. If only I would have transferred to Eau Claire... 
17. She helped me realize that I really didn't like what I was studying in school 
18. Milo and Otis
19. We would call each other before school to see what the other person was wearing
20. She always burned me the best music mixes in High School. That girl has good taste in music!
21. She got me one my favorite birthday present ever ... and Disney Children's Cookbook
22. I credit Megan for getting me through summer softball because at the time, we were both so different from the girls we were playing with. Maybe it was all those years of Lutheran school... =) 
23. Even though we hardly ever see each other, I know the next time we get together we will pick up right where we left off. 

So Megan, I don't know if you are reading this or not, but thank you for your friendship. 

1 comment:

bethany said...

Yay, yay, yay! Happy Birthday to Meggers! :) I loved this little list. Someday, we must have an all-grown-up sleepover...where we attempt to watch the sunrise at 5am behind a pack of trees.

I love number 13. I'm sure that was a really uplifting several months spent learning about the perils of hell. Yikes. Oh, Lutheran grade schools. They do know how to instill the fear of God (and hell) into young children.