We all know the saying, "ignorance is bliss." I've been thinking about this phrase a lot in context with my faith in God. I'm not saying that because I have faith in God I am ignorant, so please don't hear that. What I am saying is there are certain ideas and questions I have remained ignorant in, because I've been afraid of how it might change what I believe, or how I'm called to live.
-Where did the Bible come from?
-Who decided which books would make up the Bible?
-What about the books that weren't chosen?
-Did Jesus really mean what he said we he commanded to sell all we have and give to the poor and needy?
-Predestination? (won't go into too much detail on this one. It would take another blog...)
-Is the baptism of the Holy Spirit something that is separate from becoming a believer? If so, how do you become baptized by the Holy Spirit?
-What about speaking in tongues and prophesy? There are chapters in Corinthians dedicated to these gifts.
-How is baptism used in the scriptures? Should infants be baptized? What about age of accountability?
-Is the Bible God's only source of authority? Or does he still speak through people today?
-If God says we are not under the law, why are the Ten Commandments still preached?
-What does it mean to be lukewarm? Am I lukewarm? (see Revelation 3:16)
-As a Christian, should I be supporting wars when Christ calls for peace?
These are just a few of the things that I have thought about briefly, and then looked away in order to prevent a possible uncomfortable realization that what I have been living and breathing for the last 20+ years might not be exactly right....
I'm sick of looking away. I'm tired of being ignorant. In the past I've been defensive toward people who make me question. I would refuse to hear. I don't want to be that anymore. So as I start digging deeper into God and discovering who he really is and what he desires, some of my perspectives might start to change. And I'm alright with that.
12 years ago