Friday, January 23, 2009


We all know the saying, "ignorance is bliss." I've been thinking about this phrase a lot in context with my faith in God. I'm not saying that because I have faith in God I am ignorant, so please don't hear that. What I am saying is there are certain ideas and questions I have remained ignorant in, because I've been afraid of how it might change what I believe, or how I'm called to live.

-Where did the Bible come from?
-Who decided which books would make up the Bible?
-What about the books that weren't chosen?
-Did Jesus really mean what he said we he commanded to sell all we have and give to the poor and needy?
-Predestination? (won't go into too much detail on this one. It would take another blog...)
-Is the baptism of the Holy Spirit something that is separate from becoming a believer? If so, how do you become baptized by the Holy Spirit?
-What about speaking in tongues and prophesy? There are chapters in Corinthians dedicated to these gifts.
-How is baptism used in the scriptures? Should infants be baptized? What about age of accountability?
-Is the Bible God's only source of authority? Or does he still speak through people today?
-If God says we are not under the law, why are the Ten Commandments still preached?
-What does it mean to be lukewarm? Am I lukewarm? (see Revelation 3:16)
-As a Christian, should I be supporting wars when Christ calls for peace?

These are just a few of the things that I have thought about briefly, and then looked away in order to prevent a possible uncomfortable realization that what I have been living and breathing for the last 20+ years might not be exactly right....

I'm sick of looking away. I'm tired of being ignorant. In the past I've been defensive toward people who make me question. I would refuse to hear. I don't want to be that anymore. So as I start digging deeper into God and discovering who he really is and what he desires, some of my perspectives might start to change. And I'm alright with that.

1 comment:

bethany said...

Oh, Andrea. I have been thinking about the same things. Especially predestination and baptism. Predestination is something I believe, but don't understand. Baptism is something I understand in theory, but don't know what to believe.

I always have had the same reaction to those who believed otherwise, or wanted me to question what I so strongly believed was true. I had my "back pocket" passage that backed up what I had been taught...and whatever passage he/she had to make me question my belief was purely a misinterpret ion of the Bible.

I totally get where you're coming from. Coming to terms with the fact that you're willing to allow your perspectives to change is HUGE. It was for me...its exciting :)

I'll be praying for you. You're a strong lady who wants to believe and understand things the way God intended...God will lead you in the right direction!

Love you :)