Tuesday, January 20, 2009

take a look,

It's in a book - Reading Rainbow!

Last week I got a library card. Well, I should say, I got an official one. Back when we first arrived in Spokane, one of the first things I did was go get a library card. I could only get a temporary card because I didn't have proof of WA residency.

Historically, my experiences with libraries have been poor. Mainly because I would accrue some pretty sizable fines that I was too cheap to pay. It's been years since I checked out anything at a library. It was nice to be able to make a fresh start.

When I got my temp card, I made myself a goal to never return a book late. Unfortunately (but not surprising), I already failed. You see, the card was only good for 30 days, so that was the longest I could keep a book until I brought in proof of residency. I kept the book for 36 days. It only cost me $0.60, but really? I'm a little ashamed.

Now that I finally have my permanent library card, I am in need of some book suggestions. So please, if you have any suggestions at all, I would love to hear them!


Danielle Ryan said...

I'm totally blanking right now on the book suggestion, but I'll try to come up with something good. =)

And really, don't feel bad about the 60 cents. I just looked up my account to discover, to my horror, that I currently owe the library $22.70. Hehe. But as long as I get it back under $10 I'm still their friend.

bethany said...

I, too, am a habitual fine accumulator! I am so glad I'm not alone :)

Becca said...

Yeah, I think fines go with library cards. I try to make myself feel better by thinking that I am intentionally supporting the library by being late. That they "need" my late fees! And I think that it is cheaper than buying the book, right? Hmm, I'll think about suggestions. What categories? And it is so funny that you started out with the reading rainbow theme song. I wrote a blog post awhile ago and started with that. It was just in my head. I associate Reading Rainbow with libraries. I have this sweet book on tree houses from the library right now, but that probably doesn't interest you!