Monday, January 19, 2009

think of me

In less than 5 hours, I will be bundling up, going outside, getting in my car, and driving. Where will I be driving you ask? I will be driving to work. Yes. Work. A delightful 10 hour shift is awaiting me, and by 8AM tomorrow, I will be pooped.

And since lately reading has been putting me to sleep, I am praying for a Law and Order marathon. Or Monk. Or Psych. Or Cold Case. Or something with some sort of captivating plot. Because this is not a sleep shift.

So while you are putting on your cosy PJs, snuggling with your pillow, and drifting off to sleep, think of me. But don't pity me. Because I picked up this shift. And the overtime will be sweet.


Danielle Ryan said...

Andrea, how have I spent all these months not realizing that you have a blog? I'm both kicking myself for not knowing and also very excited about reading through all of your old posts and catch up on what's new in your life! =)

Danielle Ryan said...

And P.S. Where are you working now? I am really behind. =(

Andrea Jean said...

I have to admit that I have been in hiding for the last 6 months or so. I just got to the point where I wanted to start commenting on other people's blogs and not just stalking ...=) By the way, I love your blog!

I work at for a company that gives support to adolescents who have developmental disabilities. It's 24 hour care in a group home like setting. I love my job and God definitely gave it to me!