* We did make it to Washington, but not long after we got there we decided to drive south to visit my Gramma and Ron down in Arizona!

TJ and a baby burro
* We traveled to Seattle for Thanksgiving
The whole List gang - minus newest addition - Elsa Louise born 12.20.08
TJ and niece, Emily
the start of the big snowfall
after the first big snowfall
our new place (with A LOT of work yet to be done)

Ah! You're new place looks COZY! Fireplace and all!
I almost cried when I saw poor little Ella hanging out of the litterbox :( Poor cats. They're just so confused about life.
You look so beautiful! Love those little burros, how cute!
I said "You're" instead of "your".
Please don't judge me.
Have fun with the new place! I'm glad things are working out for you!
Beth, I'm really glad that you corrected yourself, otherwise I would have had to seriously reconsider our friendship... =)
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